August 29, 2007


So the kids have been begging all summer to do a lemonade stand... ALL SUMMER, SINCE THE BEGINNING. Well, this being the last week of summer and a VERY VERY VERY hot day we decided to do it! We went to the store, I purchased supplies (lemonade, suckers, cups), the kids made the lemonade, I drew out the letters for the sign, the kids colored it, we got the table to the front yard and they were off! Landon decided 50 cents was a good price and wanted to charge 25 cents for dum dum suckers, but I talked him down to 10. Two years ago the kids did one and Landon made enough money to pay for half of the bike that he wanted, granted, Grandma payed way more for a glass than the price tag said, but he did it! This year they did pretty well too, but not as good as last time. The neighbor kids helped for a while so they each made $2.30 (3 of them) andmy kids made about $6 each! Landon was standing on the corner of state street with his sign for a while even! They had a good time!

Tonight was school open houses. I am so not a fan of school papers. Trying to keep them organized is quite a chore! When it was just Landon it wasn't so bad, but two kids added so much! So tonight we got two piles of papers! And that's just the beginning! Bailey liked meeting her teacher. We already knew her from Landon so that was easy. I wanted to make sure that she was completely comfortable b/c I remeber very clearly the first day last year! YUCK! She seemed to be doing so much better and I talked my neighbor into helping her find her locker and stuff on the first day since Landon won't be there. Meeting Landon's teacher was ok too! He is still just not excited at all, hopefully that will pass, but if not that's ok, I'm totally open to sending him to Roosevelt! No PROBLEM!

So yeah, that's our day! Oh and we just rode bikes to Capt Sundae to spend some of the lemonade money, we took the neighbor kids too! YUMMY!


S Huiz said...

Fun stuff! I wish I had seen their sign when I was out and about in that part of town today. We almost went to Capn. Sundae ourselves tonight,but I got too lazy and decided against it since R is gone. I hate school papers too- homework for the parents. We didn't get any yet at C's open house today. I am sure they'll be sent home the 1st day of school when I have a gizillion other things that night. :-)

Amanda said...

So cool that the kids got to "finally" have their lemonade stand - it was a warm one!

Nina_VK said...

How cool is that sign!?!? Thats so cool that you guys had a lemonade stand! Maybe it's just where we live, but I just don't see them that often anymore! I can't wait 'til we can do one. :)

have a great day!