August 11, 2007

1 of 2 for the day...

I know I will post again later, hence the title of this post. First things first... Landon lost thier second game this morning. They played against some sixth grade girls and actually played quite well, much better than yesterday, but not hard enough I guess. Now they don't play again until 2 so we've got a good chunk of time to waste. I think we will go swimming. The bummer is that they could possibly play the same team again this afternoon, if those girls loose!

OK, back soon with stats of game three (possibly final game).


S Huiz said...

Okay girl- much too cryptic of a post for my taste! Now I am too curious! I am sorry you are hurt and hope things get better soon. Sorry about Landon's losses, but hopefully he is still having fun. Thanks for the post about the shirt- I'll be picking that up for myself. You may get 10, but you'll have to see them on me too since you shared!!!!

Nina_VK said...

SO sorry your hurt! I get the same way! When someone hurts me or my family, I cry 'cause I am so angry, or I get so angry that I cry. LOL I am not big on confrontation either! I hope you're doing better! Sorry!