September 6, 2007

Nothing is right...

OK, I'm going to try really hard to avoid complaining here, just one quick sentance though... NOTHING IS GOING RIGHT FOR ME RIGHT NOW. Now, realize that I know my life isn't terrible, but argh... tried getting my computer fixed tonight and well, basically it can't be fixed! So, now we share one computer again (and NFL football started tonight, which means fantasy football started, which means he needs to be on teh computer), I've lost everything that I hadn't backed up (luckily not to much, but a few layouts at least I know). Oh well (here comes the not complaining part), it will be good for me to get my butt of the computer more often and I can't scrap at all on this computer b/c the program isn't on here! So yeah...

Funeral was today, that went well. They did the military salute, gun shots, played taps and all that, it was very nice. THey started playing the taps on the trumpet and that is pretty much where I lost it, it's such a sad song. Now it's all about the technical stuff, trying to figure that stuff out. I'm trying to take a break this weekend from it all though and dig back in next week. TRYING! Tomorow is the first day in 6 days that I don't have to travel to St Joe, and who knows that may just change.

Wednesday I was gone from 3:30 til about 10 for visitation. This meant that Sharon ws going to bring the kids home from school for me, Matt's mom would be here waiting. Landon has to take a bus from his school to a different elementary, then switch busses and take that one to the one near us, we didn't know about the switch until the first day of school, but it all seemed to go ok. Yesterday was a different story though. Matt's mom got a call from the school that he didn't catch the second bus, so he was stuck at school. Not sure exactly what happened, but it sounded like the bus just left him, both of them at the same time. Now, I wasn't there so I don't know if he was taking his time or what happened, but I know that he was pretty upset, and I know I would be to if I thought someone left me and didn't know what to do next. Poor guy, I'm glad I didn't know about it until I got home that night! Lucky too that we left Matt's mom our jeep with the car seat, otherwise he would have been stuck! HOpefully tomorow goes better!


Amanda said...

I've been thinking about you the last few days - I can't imagine driving out there everyday and yet coordinating motherly stuff and trying to be everything for everyone. I have said quite a few little prayers for you. I say definetly try to just hang out this weekend - do something you want to do for YOU. That is actually an order!

Nina_VK said...

I say complain all you want girl!! LOL!! You have had a rough couple of months, and I can totally see how things seem like nothing is going right! Thing will get better though girl! {{hugs}}

S Huiz said...

Poor Landon- I know that would be scary for any kid. How is he liking the new school? (Other than being left stranded by the bus?) Did the kids end up going to the funeral? Hope things start going "right" for you starting today. I hate that feeling that everything is going wrong. You are overdue for some great things to come your way VERY soon!!!! :-)