June 19, 2007

Ahhhhhh, relief!

From the heat that is! The windows are open, humidity is gone, breeze is blowing, it's just wonderful! This is the BEST kind of weather!

Vacation Bible School started this week, fun stuff! Matt and I are crew leaders for fourth graders this year (Landon's grade). Definately much easier than the kindergarteners that we did last year! Last night was so hot though, games are outside and it was awful muggy and hot! Tonight Landon has his last baseball game so Matt will be crew leader by himself for a bit, we'll see how that goes! Landon and I will be there, just a bit late!

Fathers Day
Matt received his canvas yesterday that I ordered him, he said it looked really nice, it's hanging in his office, I have yet to see it, but will maybe post a pic once I do!

I haven't mentioned anything about running lately, because I haven't been running. For some reason about two weeks ago my ankles started getting really weak. Steps are painful, running is unbearable and walking is starting to hurt even. It's getting worse so I finally made a doctors appt to get them checked, guessing it's nothing, but hopeing they can do something about my "nothing" pain! I tried running last night for a game at VBS and almost fell flat on my face!

So we leave in a week and a day to go camping (Heather are you reading this... can you believe it?). That came up really quickly. We are going up to Interlochen this year (did I mention all this already a while back?), Matt can't wait to go here. Should be a good time, we are going with one other couple on Wednesday and then two other couples will come up on Saturday, at least one with kids that my kids can play with! I need to start thinking about packing (just thinking though)


And I will end this post with... "Way down upon the Swanee River" which my neighbor is playing on the keyboard... again! Don't you wish you could enjoy the sweet sound of a keyboard playing?????? I DON"T!


Amanda said...

ROFL about the Swanee River playing - yikes! Yeah for camping - so jealous! Had fun this morning getting doughnuts and going to library.

Nina_VK said...

BWahaha!!! You know you love that song LOL ;)

SUPER cute LO's! Don't you just LOVE Amy's stuff? It looks so real!

YAY, camping sounds super fun! It's always nice to get away from home sometimes. :)

Have a great day on this BEAUTIFUL day!

S Huiz said...

Have fun camping. Will you be gone when I get home? What day are you leaving? Sorry about your ankle. I feel like I am having the same problem with my wrist. It hurts more now just from driving. I'll have to do a post soon about our not-so-wonderful trip here. It was a doozy! Have a good week- keep the posts coming so I can stay tuned in while I'm gone.