December 18, 2007

Feelin' better...

I'm feeling a little better today... still easily annoyed, but better than my last post!

Some cute things to share...
Landon asked me yesterday where all my scrapbook stuff that i always work on was... I had to tell him that it was on-line! But, luckily I had recently recieved my shutterfly book with Elliot's frist year in it. (I have to do something about my margins next time, some of the journaling got cut off or buried in the binding). So anyway... he looked through it and was giddy... he was laughing at all the pictures, the journaling, everything! He loved it! So that just verified to me why I scrap... and also that I need to get more printed!

Bailey was supposed to get a wall call (they have to stay by the wall of the school at recess, which I have mixed feelings about, but that is the consequences they use adn it seemed to be good motivation for her) at school today because she didn't turn in some homework and couldn't find it at home (her own fault) and I was so tempted to call the teacher to make sure that she followed through on it, but I let it go for some reason! Well, she came home from school and said "I didn't get a wall call mom" and I cringed. My immediate thought was to email the teacher tonight to remind her, I wanted the logical consequence to occur. Then the next sentance out of her mouth was... "I prayed about it last night, I knew I wouldn't". So that e-mail idea went out the window, how can I mess with that? Not sure if she learned a lesson or not, but at least she learned that prayer does work!

There was one more too... but I can't remember it, so I'll be back later... I'm off to do some Christmas shopping with the kids (older ones) for Matt. I thought we weren't doing anything this year b/c of other big purchases we made, but lo and behold he decided we were! So... off to Target for us! Ta! Ta! For now!

1 comment:

S Huiz said...

Jen has mentioned those "wall calls" before, and I have thought the same thing. Seems to single out and humiliate kids to a certain extent. I didn't realize they could get them for not turning in stuff. I thought they just got them for misbehavior at recess. Hmmm.... Neat story about Bailey and prayer though. Maybe she'll have to return to BSF after Christmas since she is obviously learning a lot! Have any luck shopping? I was going to head there myself, but the chicken in me came out and I decided to wait until daylight tomorrow morning. Did you make it to the nativity scene? Did you get your tiles done? Call me in the morning (on my cell) b/c I"ll be out and can pick up the supplies if you are done with them. I am taking Cobe and Brooks to school so they can take their teacher gifts tomorrow. (if I wake up on time!) Then I am going to Michael's and Target.