November 30, 2007


So... it may look like I've spent a lot of time scrapping and I do use naptimes for scrapping and some late nights (although not many anymore), but I really am a quick scrapper, normally about 1/2 hour per layout, I know some people take hours or days to complete a layout and I can understand why and how, I just happen to do it fast... (so, I'm done defending myself now) and will share some layouts!

I also ordered my Shutterfly book that I won a while back finally! I ended up redoing most of the pages to make it an even 20 page book, I've never done one before so i didn't want to pay for extra pages if they weren't going to turn out how I wanted and going back I didn't like most of the pages that I still had for him, and I found out that I LOST all of the ones from his first few months when my hard drive crashed... lovely! Those are moments that are hard to go back and scrap... it's hard to journal on those when you aren't in the moment, know what I mean????


Amanda said...

I can't wait to hear how your book turns out! Did you go with a theme or just random LO's? So sorry that some of your LO's were lost - I know what you mean about journaling that long after the fact. I am trying to keep up on Gracyn's Baby Daze month by month so that I don't forget anything! See you tomorrow!

S Huiz said...

Bailey looks like a baby in that top LO- she has changed and grown so much. I love your skiing LO. You must be quite a quick scrapper to pop all those out. They are all great, so why spend more time????