June 8, 2008


Matt was able to get all the water out of the basement. There was actually only about an inch or so in there which is great considering there are two giant holes in the cement walls and our sump pump doesn't work. He had to go dig the window wells out a bit more (which he had help with from our new neighbor, he's already made a friend over there!) so all the dirt didn't flow in too. I think he actually worked through the storm this afternoon, but it wasnt' as bad as last night at least so I didn't feel like I needed him home quite as bad. (I'm kinda wierd like that, I like to know he's here to "protect" me, although I don't know how he could protect me from that giant tree falling into my house! ;)

So we are all good, unlike some other people that I've heard from/read blogs of! So sorry that so many people had so much flooding, it's not fun!

On another note completely... a GIANT thanks goes out to Tonya for introducing my daughter to your kittens, a day has not yet gone by where I don't hear about how bad she wants one! I wish I could give my little girl a kitten, but my dog would eat it for a snack I fear!


Missy said...

So glad to hear you flooding wasn't too bad. Sounds like a lot of people had a lot of damage, we are a lucky few. Thank goodness that soon you won't have to worry about that tree falling on your house! Did you make sure the new house doesn't have that problem?!?! I've got to tell you too, we have 110 pound black lab and I was really worried about what he would do to a cat, but they are great friends! You'd be amazed at how quick they adjust.

Mary said...

I am so glad that you didn't have bad water problems. You're fortunate that you have good new neighbors that helped Matt. What are you going to do in your new house with storms and the BIG tree in the front yard? You're going to have the same problem....

S Huiz said...

Glad things are looking up over there. We cleaned out all afternoon and feel great about how much we were able to throw out!

Amanda said...

You are so fortunate that with two houses you didn't have too bad of water problems in either one! Glad Matt got some help too!

Beck said...

Want a cat? Kippy can hold his own. :) Haha. But seriously...

I'm with you having the hubby home, especially at night and esPECIAlly during storms. Call me a wussy, I'm standing in my truth. :)