February 18, 2009


comparatively at least! I'm still alive, have managed to stay no the road, am thankful for internet access on the dinosaur of a computer while I wait for a new one, the kids are healthy, sugars have been super, got the right prescription after getting the wrong one (without to much hassle), life could be better (like if I won the lottery or something like that), but I can't complain about what I have been given either!

I am bummed b/c I lost all of my bookmarks that I had (would that have happened if I had google reader or something, or would it then all have been online???), let me tell you that I had a LOT! TONS and TONS and TONS! Oh well, could be worse I guess, like I said, I'm alive!

No pictures to add, b/c I'm sure this computer couldn't handle them so just my blabbering for today! Enjoy your day and stay warm in the snowstorm were supposed to get!


Amanda said...

What a freaking bummer that the computer died - I will say that laptops last about 2 years on average - that's why I never spend a TON on them b/c I pretty much plan on a new one in 2 years - LOL!
Glad things are better today though!

Sarah said...

Glad you were able to get a new beeputer Bynette (Sadie-ease).

Anonymous said...

Ok - not to jinx myself here, but I'm going on 4 years with my laptop. Although, I did just get a new hard-drive in mine. Does that count? I am glad you are feeling better today. Your day before did sound really bad. I'm sorry. I do really hope your appts are in Holland. Take care!