May 22, 2008

Tired Eyes...

This morning I had an optomology (sure, I know I spelled that wrong, but don't really care right now) appt in Grand Rapids, followed by an appt with my endocronologist (prob spelled that wrong too... deal with it). My eyes are tired right now after being dialated and poked and shined in etc. I feel like I've been crying for DAYS! DAYS AND DAYS AND DAYS! And I probably could cry for days, just one of those moods. Those moods seem to be quite frequent lately. Not sure what's up with all that, but it can go away anytime now!

Another busy night we had... we had to be at Bailey's game at 5:30, then Landon had to be at school at 6:30 for a talent show that started at 7, Bailey and I arrived right after her game (around 7:30ish) and we got home after 9. The talent show was GREAT, so much wonderful talent there, and what a good variety too! Elliot never got a good nap today so he was exausted! Poor guy, he was so ready to go to bed tonight, his eyes were closed by the time I closed his bedroom door! Love that little guy!

I'm in the process of uploading videos of talent show and softball, but it's taking FOREVER! Going on 45 minutes right now, so it may be tomorow before they get on here! Stay tuned!

Edited to add:
If they aren't playing yet, check back later, they have to finish processing, but I"m going to bed and wanted to get them added!

Love that boy (he's the one on the right)

Love that girl!

1 comment:

S Huiz said...

So sorry about your eyes- I didn't know you were having that done. Doesn't sound like fun. Maybe Sat. night will help your mood- a night out w/o kids is always a mood- lifter!!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to upload both videos- I enjoyed watching them! They both did a great job at their respective events!!!!!!