August 13, 2009


I'm sitting here at almost 10pm listening to my daughter scream. She's screaming for many different reasons. One, she is in her own bed. Two, she is tired. Three, I'm not holding her. Four, she's not in my bed. Five, I'm not holding her. Six, apparently she didn't like the burrito I had for lunch today. But then again, most of what I eat doesn't agree with her tummy.

I'm determined right now to get the girl to sleep. She will fall alseep eventually. Right? Ahhhh, why does this have to be sooooo difficult. (Yes, I'm using this for therapy right now so I don't go crazy listening to her scream, b/c I could very quickly loose it and go CRAZY).

I'm thinking that I will soon have a Medela Breast Pump for sale if you need one, or know anyone that does. My body apparently doesn't want to produce much milk anymore. Not sure what the problem is there. It does make me sad to think that I will never have that bond with a baby again. It's not for everyone, and never in a million years did I think nursing would be for me, but there is something about it when she's eating and looking in my eyes, knowing that I'm the only one that can do that for her. It has definately created a bond between me and my children. Which isn't always good. Sometimes the bond is to tight. But they all seem to have adjusted well as they age.

We leave for camping tomorow and I have yet to pack one thing for myself. I got the kids all packed today, towels are all packed and Matt is getting groceries as I type. I did get all the laundry done today! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, she's sleeping, one hour after we started, Elliot's almost asleep... maybe. It's almost time for me to go to bed! By myself. In my bed, alone! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Bobbie Jo said...

Yeah for a sleeping Lila! You're such a great mom.