November 4, 2008

I... so ready for this election to be done!
...don't really think either cantidate is ideal, but am picking the best one for my moral values!
...voted (did you???) anxiously awaiting a UPS package from Amazon! anticipating a very yummy lunch on Thursday! baffled by the number of headaches I have had during this pregnancy! Normally pregnancy is a time of relief as far as headaches go! Apple/Pears!
...wish it could be this warm year round! Perfect temps!
...wishes all the leaves would fall already! my three kiddo's (and the adopted monkey baby)! trying to be more regular in my bible study time! anxiously awaiting a package from Amazon! (did I mention that yet???)
...loves random kisses from my baby!
...loves the sounds of the kids in the backyard crunching in the leaves playing nice together!
...hate the thought of burning all those leaves! thrilled to have basement doors all painted and hung! Now for the upstairs!
...just got word that my Amazon pkg actually shipped today!
...get to go to Chicago in a week and a half, just me and Becky and our cameras, no kids, no husband! I soooooo need this!
...wonder when we'll know!
...have just under three weeks til we see the baby again! Hopefully we'll get another 4d!
...really really really dread winter! off to cook dinner! Enjoy!


Sarah said...

What in the world is coming in the Amazon package????

Kari said...

I too had to go with what I believe in and not what I selfishly want to happen in our economy. I was torn for a long time!

Missy said...

what do you wonder when you'll know?